Carnivalesque was originally launched in September 2004 as a carnival for early modern history. It took much of its inspiration from the Philosophers’ Carnival and Tangled Bank. Carnivalesque filled its special niche so successfully that in 2005, it was decided to expand its coverage. Since July 2005, Carnivalesque has run monthly, alternating between early modern (c.1500-1800CE) and ancient & medieval topics (up to c.1500CE).
Carnivalesque is certainly not just for academics. We welcome perspectives from a variety of fields, especially history, literary studies, archaeology, art history, philosophy – in fact, from anyone who enjoys writing about anything to do with the not-so-recent past. You can nominate your own writing and/or that of other bloggers, but please try not to nominate more than one or two posts by any author for any single edition of Carnivalesque, and limit nominations to recent posts.
Als deutsche Bezeichnung gibt es Blogkarneval oder Blogparade (der Artikel Blogkarneval wurde in der Wikipedia wegen angeblicher Irrelevanz gelöscht).
Wie auch immer man zur Qualität der Einzelbeiträge von Carnivalesque steht: Die Website vermittelt einen guten Einblick in die Welt englischsprachiger Weblogs zum Thema Early Modern History.
OpenEdition schlägt Ihnen vor, diesen Beitrag wie folgt zu zitieren:
redaktion (24. September 2010). Carnivalesque, ein Blog-Karneval für vormoderne Geschichte. Frühneuzeit-Blog der RWTH. Abgerufen am 7. Oktober 2024 von